I'm linking up with House of Grace for Twice Owned Tuesday
We have a few antique pieces in our home that are hand-me downs from
family and close friends.
Probably my favorite of these is our china cabinet,
which was once owned by the grandparents of one of my oldest and dearest
friends. When they downsized their home, they passed down
(to family and lucky friends like me!)
many pieces that had originated in their antique shop Recollections
Let's take a look...
This china cabinet is the perfect size for our smallish dining room.
Though small, it has lots of character and personality! :)
The framed print to the let of the cabinet was my MawMaw's (grandmother)
- it's an Edna Hibel - I LOVE it so much!!!!
It's a great place to display and admire our beautiful Wedgwood "Seville" china!
This antique secretary that you may have seen in my living room post is also
from my friend's grandparents. They are one of those couples
that just makes you smile when you think about them, so
I absolutely LOVE having some of their antiques in our home!
Two of their granddaughters now babysit for us and I was so excited to
share with them the "history" of these pieces.
I loved the curved front of the secretary - similar to the curved front of our guest room dresser!
I love all the bumps and bruises antique furniture - I think they make for a very "lived in" home.
As you may have read before, while I hope people like "the look" of our home,
I don't want our home to ever look like a magazine.
This armoire/wardrobe is something my husband's mother found for him
while he was a single guy. It's currently in our master bedroom (see more of that soon!).
I like how its sturdy masculinity balances some of the feminine qualities of our bedroom.
(keeping it real with the yellow ball and dust bunnies)
Every good Southern girl has a church pew in her home, right?
I've seen many of these in foyers and living rooms but
I prefer ours in our bedroom because
it's quite long (92") and anchors a big wall in our master nicely.
I love that it shows some wear and age, likes it's been through
"good times and bad." :) Like the armoire, its rustic masculinity
is a good balance for the softer aspects of our bedroom.

Thanks for showing your hand-me-downs. I've always wanted a church pew, but I don't know where I would put it now that we've downsized!